Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Oracle PL/SQL function to split strings into tokens

I was trying to find how to split or tokenise (tokenize) a string in Oracle SQL. Technically you can do it directly with just instr and substr but your statement becomes very long and hard to read, mainly because you can't reuse the result of an instr. I found this which was interesting but not what I needed, so I wrote my own function to do the job. I'll post it here in the hope that it will be useful to someone.

create or replace function get_token(
the_list varchar2,
the_index number,
delim varchar2 := ','
return varchar2
start_pos number;
end_pos number;
if the_index = 1 then
start_pos := 1;
start_pos := instr(the_list, delim, 1, the_index - 1);
if start_pos = 0 then
return null;
start_pos := start_pos + length(delim);
end if;
end if;

end_pos := instr(the_list, delim, start_pos, 1);

if end_pos = 0 then
return substr(the_list, start_pos);
return substr(the_list, start_pos, end_pos - start_pos);
end if;

end get_token;

Example usage:

get_token('foo,bar,baz',1), -- 'foo'
get_token('foo,bar,baz',3), -- 'baz'
get_token('a,,b',2), -- '' (null)
get_token('a,,b',3), -- 'b'
get_token('a|b|c',2,'|'), -- 'b'
get_token('a|b|c',4,'|') -- '' (null)

  • Remember that the index starts at one not zero just like strings in PL/SQL.
  • Empty tokens are counted. You get null if you ask for an empty token.
  • You also get null if you ask for an index greater than the number of tokens.
  • The delimiter defaults to a comma but you can specify any delimiter. A delimiter of more than one char should work also.

This version provided by Anonymous below supports negative indexes, eg
get_token('foo,bar,baz',-1), -- 'baz' get_token('foo,bar,baz',-2), -- 'bar' 
Also check the comments below for a regex based version that can handle quoted csv style fields.
create or replace function get_token (
the_list varchar2,
the_index number,
delim varchar2 :=';'
return varchar2
start_pos number;
end_pos number;

if the_index = 1 then
start_pos := 1;

elsif the_index < 0 then
start_pos := instr(the_list, delim, -1, abs(the_index)) + 1;

start_pos := instr(the_list, delim, 1, the_index - 1);

if start_pos = 0 then
return null;
start_pos := start_pos + length(delim);
end if;

end if;

if the_index < 0 then
end_pos := instr(the_list, delim, start_pos+1, 1);
end_pos := instr(the_list, delim, start_pos, 1);
end if;

if end_pos = 0 then
return substr(the_list, start_pos);
return substr(the_list, start_pos, end_pos - start_pos);
end if;

end get_token;


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