Thursday, July 5, 2012

10 Beautiful Resume HTML Templates

Posted November 8th, 2011 in Inspiration by Eko S
resume is a place to summarizing your life experiences, and you needs a resume which should represent your abilities in such a beautiful and inspiring way. However, today you are no longer limited our resume to text on a a piece of paper. You have the opportunity to be much more creative with how you present yourself to interviewers, so why not make use of it. And online resumes are becoming more common especially for people with professional portfolios.
And to help you present yourself stand out from the crowd and get more jobopportunities, below are 10 best resume templates in html/css with beautiful and very creative designs.

Beautiful Resume Templates
by bitpub
Clean Cv / Resume is a html template that will help you set up a professional online CV in minutes and broaden the chance of finding a suitable job as many recruiters resort more and more to browsing online for prospective applicants instead of advertising their position and calling for applicants.
Beautiful Resume Templates

Beautiful Resume Templates
by bitpub
Clean CV / Resume / Portfolio Website + 10 Bonuses is a html template that will help you set up a professional online cv / portfolio / personal website in minutes and broaden the chance of finding a suitable job as many recruiters resort more and more to browsing online for prospective applicants instead of advertising their position and calling for applicants. It comes with a lot of bonuses that will come in handy if you do a live interview and must bring printed materials.
Beautiful Resume Templates

Beautiful Resume Templates
by IvyStudio
A gorgeous Stylish Curriculum Site with: clean and soft design, nice jquery animations, powerful contact form, removable social buttons, easy to modify.
Beautiful Resume Templates

Beautiful Resume Templates
by zecchin
SmartCV is a clean resume that was designed to hold all the info you may need when you create an online resume. You can easily add content and keep it within one click distance, due to the jQuery scroll plugin implemented.
Beautiful Resume Templates

Beautiful Resume Templates
Bold is a minimal and clean one-page CV / resume HTML + PHP template featuring print-ready and mobile-ready versions, downloadable PDF version generated on-the-fly, working Ajax contact form, jQuery lightbox gallery and social media section. It is also very easily editable and configurable.
Beautiful Resume Templates

Beautiful Resume Templates
by flashmcintosh
ProCV is a stylish online CV / Resume one page website template adapting a minimal professional style. The design is also streamlined to use minimal colours, maintaining a slick and clean appeal – afterall, first impressions count!
Beautiful Resume Templates

Beautiful Resume Templates
by Denoizzed
Typographic CV is online resume / CV template. It was created to impress your future employers or clients. And it definitely will: strong typographic design, good visual hierarchy, unique layout, cool gallery section and much more. Please see the full list of features below.
Beautiful Resume Templates

Beautiful Resume Templates
by norbiu
Paper Resume / CV Features:
  • WordPress version included for FREE
  • Working contact form with jQuery validation
  • Overlay contact form and picture using Fancybox (jQuery)
  • Two different backgrounds: dark wood and light wood
  • 7 different colors for the left tabs: blue, green, orange, pink, purple, red and yellow
  • Print Stylesheet with print link in the html
  • Works on all major browsers: IE6 +, FF2 +, Safari, Chrome and Opera
Beautiful Resume Templates

Beautiful Resume Templates
by PixelBuffet
This is a professional pinstriped CV / Resume with a plethora of slick jQuery effects. A great way to present yourself to any potential employers / clients.
Beautiful Resume Templates

Beautiful Resume Templates
by cudazi
Let’s face it, your boss, manager or client is going to Google you, get your name or personal brand at the top of search results showcasing your hard work.
Brand Yourself is perfect for a wide variety of applications – a job hunter, a personal portfolio or a business looking for a clean and flexible site to showcase their business. It can be set up as a single page portfolio or link to multiple pages.
Beautiful Resume Templates

1 comment:

  1. I also recommend It´s fast, free, social and cool online resume maker. try it!
