Saturday, July 14, 2012

Using CDI and Dependency Injection for Java in a JSF 2.0 Application

This Tech Tip covers the intersection of three powerful technologies that are part of the Java EE 6 platform: JSR 299: Contexts and Dependency Injection, JSR 330: Dependency Injection For Java, and JSR 314: JavaServer Faces 2.0.
JSR 299: Contexts and Dependency Injection (CDI) defines a set of services for the Java EE environment that makes applications much easier to develop. It provides an architecture that allows Java EE components such as servlets, enterprise beans, and JavaBeans to exist within the lifecycle of an application with well-defined scopes. In addition, CDI services allow Java EE components, including EJB session beans and JavaServer Faces (JSF) managed beans to be injected and to interact in a loosely coupled way by firing and observing events. Perhaps most significantly, CDI unifies and simplifies the EJB and JSF programming models. It allows enterprise beans to act as managed beans in a JSF application. Through its services, CDI brings transactional support to the web tier. This can make it a lot easier to access transactional resources in web applications. For example, CDI services makes it a lot easier to build a Java EE web application that accesses a database with persistence provided by the Java Persistence API.
JSR 330: Dependency Injection For Java introduces a standard set of annotations that can be used for dependency injection. Dependency injection is a popular technique in developing enterprise Java applications. Unfortunately, there has not been a standard approach for annotation-based dependency injection. Dependency Injection For Java changes that by providing a standardized and extensible API for dependency injection. The API comprises a set of annotations for use on injectable classes.
JavaServer Faces technology provides a server-side component framework that is designed to simplify the development of user interfaces (UIs) for Java EE applications. The latest release of the technology, JSR 314: JavaServer Faces 2.0, makes UI development for Java EE applications even easier through support for annotations and the addition of new features such as Facelets and composite components.
This Tech Tip illustrates the use of CDI and Dependency Injection for Java in a JSF 2.0 application.
An Example Application
Let's look at some key parts of a JSF 2.0 application that uses CDI and Dependency Injection for Java. You can find the source code for the application in the sample application package that accompanies this tip. See Running the Sample Code for instructions on how to install and run the application.
Figure 1 shows the UI for the application. The UI prompts a user to guess a number that the system has randomly selected. The prompt is as follows: I am thinking of a number between min to max, where min and maxrepresent the minimum and maximum values allowable as a guess, respectively. The UI displays a text field for the user to enter the number, a Guess button to submit the number, and a Reset button to restart the game. If the user enters a number that is lower than the correct number, the UI responds with the message Higher! It also changes the min value in the prompt message to one more than the guessed number. If the user's entry is too high, the UI responds with the message Lower! and changes the max value in the prompt message to one less than the guessed number. The system sets a limit for the number of guesses, and with each incorrect guess, the UI displays a message that tells the user how many guesses remain. The game ends when the user correctly guesses the number or when the user reaches the limit of guesses.
The UI for the Guess Number JSF 2.0 Application
Figure 1. The UI for the Guess Number JSF 2.0 Application
Here is the code for the application's UI:
   8.         JSF 2.0 Weld Example
17. I'm thinking of a number between #{game.smallest} and #{game.biggest}. You have #{game.remainingGuesses}guesses. 18.
19. 20. Number: 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27.
28. 29.
30. 31.
The code for the UI should look familiar to you if you develop applications with JSF. In fact, everything on the page is standard JSF 2.0 view markup. Notice the highlighted expression language (EL) expressions. These expressions refer to a contextual bean instance named game. A contextual bean instance is also known as a managed bean or simply a bean.
Actually, the concept of managed beans goes beyond CDI. Managed beans, which is introduced in Java EE 6, is designed to unify all of the various types of beans in Java EE, including JSF managed beans, enterprise beans, and CDI beans. A managed bean is a Java class that is treated as a managed component by the Java EE container. Optionally, you can give it a name in the same namespace as that used by EJB components. A managed bean can also rely on a small number of container-provided services, mostly related to lifecycle management and resource injection. Other Java EE technologies such as JSF, EJB, and CDI build on this basic definition of a managed bean by adding services. So, for example, a JSF managed bean adds lifecycle scopes, an EJB session bean adds services such as support for transactions, and a CDI bean adds services such as dependency injection.
Returning to the highlighted EL expressions in the code for the UI, the EL expressions bind to various bean properties and methods, as follows:
  • The EL expressions in line 17, 24, and 25 bind to bean properties.
  • The EL expressions in line 21 bind to bean properties and to a bean validation method.
  • The EL expressions in lines 22 and 23 bind to bean action methods.
As you can see, in JSF 2.0, binding to a CDI bean is no different than binding to a typical JSF managed bean.
The Anatomy of a Simple Contextual Bean
As mentioned previously, beans can be bound to a lifecycle context, can be injected, and can interact with other beans in a loosely coupled way by firing and observing events. In addition, a bean may be called directly from Java code, or as you've seen in the UI for the example application, it may be invoked in an EL expression. This enables a JSF page to directly access a bean.
Let's examine the game bean used in the application. Here is its source code:
   1. package weldguess;
   3. import;
   4. import javax.annotation.PostConstruct;
   5. import javax.enterprise.context.SessionScoped;
   6. import javax.enterprise.inject.Instance;
   7. import javax.inject.Inject;
   8. import javax.inject.Named;
   9. import javax.faces.application.FacesMessage;
  10. import javax.faces.component.UIComponent;
  11. import javax.faces.component.UIInput;
  12. import javax.faces.context.FacesContext;
  14. @Named
  15. @SessionScoped
  16. public class Game implements Serializable {
  17.     private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
  19.     private int number;
  20.     private int guess;
  21.     private int smallest;
  23.     @MaxNumber @Inject
  24.     private int maxNumber;
  26.     private int biggest;
  27.     private int remainingGuesses;
  29.     @Random @Inject Instance randomNumber;
  31.     public Game() {
  32.     }
  34.     public int getNumber() {
  35.          return number;
  36.     }
  38.     public int getGuess() {
  39.          return guess;
  40.     }
  42.     public void setGuess(int guess) {
  43.          this.guess = guess;
  44.     }
  46.     public int getSmallest() {
  47.          return smallest;
  48.     }
  50.     public int getBiggest() {
  51.         return biggest;
  52.     }
  54.     public int getRemainingGuesses() {
  55.         return remainingGuesses;
  56.     }
  58.     public String check() throws InterruptedException {
  59.         if (guess>number) {
  60.             biggest = guess - 1;
  61.         }
  62.         if (guess@PostConstruct
  73.     public void reset() {
  74.         this.smallest = 0;
  75.         this.guess = 0;
  76.         this.remainingGuesses = 10;
  77.         this.biggest = maxNumber;
  78.         this.number = randomNumber.get();
  79.     }
  81.     public void validateNumberRange(FacesContext context,  UIComponent toValidate, Object value) {
  82.         if (remainingGuesses <= 0) {
  83.             FacesMessage message = new FacesMessage("No guesses left!");
  84.             context.addMessage(toValidate.getClientId(context), message);
  85.             ((UIInput)toValidate).setValid(false);
  86.             return;
  87.         }
  88.         int input = (Integer) value;
  89.         if (input < smallest || input > biggest) {
  90.             ((UIInput)toValidate).setValid(false);
  91.             FacesMessage message = new FacesMessage("Invalid guess");
  92.             context.addMessage(toValidate.getClientId(context), message);
  93.         }
  94.     }
  95. }
Notice especially the following highlighted annotations in the bean.
  • The @Named annotation in Line 14. This is a Dependency Injection For Java annotation that is used to associate a name with the bean. Because there is no name specified as an argument to the annotation, the name of the bean will be the name of the JavaBean with its first letter made lowercase, that is, game. The annotation enables the application to reference the bean by that name using the EL expressions in the view.
  • The @SessionScoped annotation in Line 15. This is a CDI annotation that specifies a scope for the bean. All beans have a scope that determines the lifecycle of their instances and which instances of the beans are visible to instances of other beans. The @SessionScoped annotation declares that this bean is a session scoped bean, meaning that its lifecycle is the lifecycle of the session.
  • The @Inject annotation in Line 23 and line 29. This is a CDI annotation that is used to identify a dependency injection point, that is, a point at which a dependency on a Java class or interface can be injected. In line 23, the annotation identifies a dependency injection point for the maxNumber field. Line 23 also specifies a qualifier annotation, @MaxNumber, that identifies the implementation to inject. Qualifiers are strongly-typed keys that help distinguish different uses of objects of the same type. Later in this tip, you'll learn more about qualifiers. Defining @MaxNumber as a qualifier annotation enables the injection of the limit value for the maximum number of guesses. In line 29, the @Inject annotation identifies a dependency injection point for the randomNumberfield. Line 29 also specifies a qualifier annotation, @Random, that identifies the implementation to inject. Defining @Random as a qualifier annotation enables the injection of a random number that the user needs to guess.
  • The @PostConstruct annotation in line 72. This annotation is defined in JSR 250, Common Annotations for the Java Platform. The annotation is used to identify a method that will perform initialization after a component is created. Here, the reset()method is marked with a @PostConstruct annotation. After the bean is created, the reset()method initializes a number of variables such as remainingGuesses, which tracks the remaining number of guesses; biggest, which holds the value for the maximum number of guesses; and number, which holds the randomly generated number that the user needs to guess.
Supporting Annotations
You've seen that the bean uses the @Random and @MaxNumber annotations as qualifier annotations. Now let's see how those annotations are defined.
Here is the definition of the @Random annotation:
   1. package weldguess;
   3. import static java.lang.annotation.ElementType.FIELD;
   4. import static java.lang.annotation.ElementType.METHOD;
   5. import static java.lang.annotation.ElementType.PARAMETER;
   6. import static java.lang.annotation.ElementType.TYPE;
   7. import static java.lang.annotation.RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME;
   8. import java.lang.annotation.Documented;
   9. import java.lang.annotation.Retention;
  10. import javax.inject.Qualifier;
  12. @Target( { TYPE, METHOD, PARAMETER, FIELD })
  13. @Retention(RUNTIME)
  14. @Documented
  15. @Qualifier
  16. public @interface Random {
  17. }
The @Qualifier annotation in line 15 is a Dependency Injection For Java annotation that is used to identify an annotation as a qualifier annotation. A qualifier identifies a specific implementation of a Java class or interface to be injected. In order to use a qualifier annotation, you first need to define its type as a qualifier. You use the @Qualifierannotation to do that. Defining @Random as a qualifier annotation enables a random number to be injected into the application.
The @Qualifier annotation is also used in the definition of the @MaxNumber annotation, as shown below:
   1. package weldguess;
   3. import static java.lang.annotation.ElementType.FIELD;
   4. import static java.lang.annotation.ElementType.METHOD;
   5. import static java.lang.annotation.ElementType.PARAMETER;
   6. import static java.lang.annotation.ElementType.TYPE;
   7. import static java.lang.annotation.RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME;
   8. import java.lang.annotation.Documented;
   9. import java.lang.annotation.Retention;
  10. import java.lang.annotation.Target;
  11. import javax.inject.Qualifier;
  13. @Target( { TYPE, METHOD, PARAMETER, FIELD })
  14. @Retention(RUNTIME)
  15. @Documented
  16. @Qualifier
  17. public @interface MaxNumber {
  18. }
The @Qualifier annotation in line 16 defines @MaxNumber as a qualifier annotation. Defining @MaxNumber as a qualifier annotation enables the injection of the maximum number of allowed guesses into the application.
The Utility Bean
There is one more important component of the application, a utility bean named Generator. Here is what theGenerator bean looks like:
   1. package weldguess;
   3. import;
   4. import javax.enterprise.context.ApplicationScoped;
   5. import javax.enterprise.inject.Produces;
   7. @ApplicationScoped
   8. public class Generator implements Serializable {
   9.     private static final long serialVersionUID = -7213673465118041882L;
  10.    private java.util.Random random = new java.util.Random( System.currentTimeMillis() );
  11.     private int maxNumber = 100;
  12.     java.util.Random getRandom() {
  13.         return random;
  14.     }
  15.     @Produces @Random int next() {
  16.         return getRandom().nextInt(maxNumber);
  17.     }
  18.     @Produces @MaxNumber int getMaxNumber() {
  19.         return maxNumber;
  20.     }
  21. }
Here are what the highlighted annotations in the bean do:
  • The @ApplicationScoped annotation in line 7 is a CDI annotation that specifies a scope for the class. The annotation declares that an instance of the Generator class exists for the lifecycle of the application.
  • The @Produces annotation in line 15 and line 18 is a CDI annotation that is used to identify a method as a producer method. A producer method is called whenever another bean in the application needs an injected object. In line 15, the producer method is next(). The method is called by the Beans Manager when the Gamebean needs to obtain an instance of the next random number. In line 18, the producer method isgetMaxNumber(). The method is called by the Beans Manager when the Game bean needs to obtain the maximum number of allowed guesses — in this case, 100.
How the Components Work Together
Let's return to the UI discussed earlier. When a user responds to the prompt and clicks the Guess button, CDI technology goes into action. The Java EE container automatically instantiates a contextual instance of the Game bean and the Generator bean. After the Game bean is created, its reset() method is called to initialize a number of variables such as biggest, which holds the value for the maximum number of guesses, and number, which holds the randomly generated number that the user needs to guess.
The Game bean gets the maximum number of guesses from its maxNumber field. Recall that a dependency injection point with the qualifier annotation, @MaxNumber, is specified for the maxNumber field. Recall too that a producer method, getMaxNumber(), in the Generator bean is associated with the @MaxNumber qualifier annotation. As a result, when the Game bean accesses the @MaxNumber field, it calls the getMaxNumber() method in the Generatorbean. The getMaxNumber() method returns the value of the maxNumber field, that is, 100.
The Game bean takes a similar route to provide a random number for the user to guess. The bean calls therandomNumber.get() method as part of its post-construct initialization. Recall that a dependency injection point with the qualifier annotation, @Random, is specified for the randomNumber field, and a producer method,getRandom(), in the Generator bean is associated with the @Random qualifier annotation. As a result, when theGame bean calls the randomNumber.get() method, it invokes the getRandom() method in the Generator bean. The randomNumber.get() method uses the getRandom() method of the java.util.Random class to generate a random number within the range 0 to 100.
Running the Sample Code
A sample application accompanies this tip. To run the sample application, do the following:
  1. If you haven't already done so, download a recent promoted build or nightly build of the GlassFish v3 Preview application server.
  2. Download the sample application package,
  3. Extract the contents of the sample application package. You should see the WAR file for the application,weld-guess.war, as well as folders for the application source code. The source code for the UI is in the web folder. The source code for the beans and annotations are in the src folder.
  4. Start the GlassFish v3 Preview application server by entering the following command:
       /bin/asadmin start-domain
    where  is where you installed the GlassFish v3 Preview application server.
  5. Deploy the sample application by copying the weld-guess.war file to the/domains/domain1/autodeploy directory.
  6. Execute the application by opening a browser and accessing the URL http://localhost:8080/weld-guess
Further Reading
For more information, see the following resources:
About the Author
Roger Kitain is the JavaServer Faces co-specification lead. He has been extensively involved with server-side web technologies and products since 1997. Roger started working on JavaServer Faces technology in 2001, as a member of the reference implementation team. He has experience with Servlet and JSP technologies. Most recently, Roger has been involved with the CDI specification and integration of CDI with the GlassFish container. Read Roger Kitain's blog.


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    Drucken Flagge Dichtmachen (umgangssprachlich) 12 Hilfreich? �bersenden Die police einen Anmerkung Vergleicht man eine gute 30 Jahre an diese 15 Jahre wirkt die promotion Unterschied bez�glich 377,05 Dollar. Die Auswirkungen bis Differenz stellt Erschwinglichkeit. Einige w�rden argumentieren, eine perfekte untere Begriff erm�glicht eine schnellere R�ckzahlung. Das wirkt wahrheitsgem��, aber zu h�nden eine gute Mehrzahl Welcher Hausbesitzer und ebenfalls der Voraussetzung, 30 Jahre Hypothekendarlehen werden beliebt ist gen geringere Zahlungen oder besseren F�rderung Welcher eine Fragestellung des Budgets. Interessanterweise wirkt es die promotion ehemaliger Beamter, der Fannie Mae bef�rwortet Finale Von 30-Jahres-Hypothek, als wir Diese heute drauf haben (umgangssprachlich), erscheint. Ed Pinto erscheint die promotion Fellow amplitudenmodulation American Enterprise Institute (AEI). Zuf�lligerweise erscheint es die promotion reaktion�r Republikaner oder finanziert Think-Tank, dass dies Zentrum dieser Debatte gewesen erscheint. Einige einander ziehen erw�hnt dies Wei�e Haus erscheint ebenso unterst�tzend. Vielleicht, aber als politische rhethoric bekommt get�rkt (umgangssprachlich) erscheint es schlecht nach meinen, dass es ehrlich oder aufrichtig Diskussion der Themen.Kein Verunsicherung, angerichtet Von Immobilienkrise des Jahres 2007 verheerend uff ( berlinerisch ) unsere Wirtschaft. Einige umgehend eine perfekte Schuld uff ( berlinerisch ) schlechte und / oder Hausbesitzer mit niedrigem Einkommen. Diese zog gegenseitig schnell aus ihrer Schicht einmal Zwangsvollstreckungen Pfade nach mittleren und oberen Einkommen Kreditnehmer loderte.

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  90. oekonomen besagen vorwaerts, dass Prime Rate kann gen einen Rubrik betreffend 6,20% hinein den naechsten 3-4 Jahren umkleiden. Aus diesem Grund oder mit Von laufenden Rabatte im bereich etwa 75bps aufwaerts Leitzins, wird eine perfekte Variable Rate circa 5,5%, was tief hoeher sein als gute 5-Jahres festen Zinssatz bezueglich 3,49% werden. Wo, wie die 5-Jahres festgelegt niedrig sind, weil die Bande rein guter Nachfrage wegen Welcher hohen Risikowahrnehmung an den Aktienmaerkten werden und ausserdem dadurch die Ertraege sind schwach. oekonomen sagen vorwaerts, dass gute Anleiherenditen durch man Groesse betreffend 50 bps kann Glorifiziert werden sowie kann gehen in den kommenden Tagen mit dem Risikofaktor (sich) auswirken (auf) klitzekleines bisschen. Mit der steigenden Renditen der 5-jaehrigen Hypothekenzinsen unter Umstaenden bis 4% steigen level.Jay ist Die promotion erfahrener Hypothekenmakler aus Toronto. Mit seinen 7 Jahren Erfahrung in dem fach Immobilienkreditgeschaeft sowie Investitionen hat er geholfen, Tausende im bereich Dollar haus halten zu haenden seine Kunden. Er hat seinen MBA abgesperrt oder hat im Feld Financial Services Underwriting bezueglich Seneca College rein Toronto absolviert.

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  92. |Dies System basiert aufwaerts dem Prinzip, dass es im bereich des moeglichen wirkt, Ihre zukuenftige Kreditleistung anhand Pruefen Ihrer Kreditgeschichte und statistisch Vergleichen bezueglich ihr mit dieser Leistung wegen anderen Bewerbern vorherzusagen, eine gute aehnliche Merkmale einander ziehen. Jene Punkte, dass es als naechstes an Sie vergebener Punktzahl moeglich macht, dass Ihr zukuenftiger Verleiher dieses Niveau des Risikos Inside Ihrer Kandidatur berechnet gleichwohl das Chemisches Element einer Subjektivitaet Inside ihrer Verleihentscheidung verringert. Kreditunwuerdige Autodarlehen kommen Inside sowohl gesicherten als ebenfalls nicht wirklich gesicherten Formen. In gesichertes kreditunwuerdiges Fahrbaren untersatz zu hause leiht es ich wuerde verlangt, dass ein Entleiher dem Verleiher eine Sicherheit liefert, um eine Darlehen zu nehmen. Wobei, Rein keinesfalls gesichertem faulem Kredit Umzugswagen leiht dieser Entleiher wirkt keinesfalls unter jeder Verpflichtung, dem Verleiher jede Sicherheit nach liefern.}
    |Wenn Die police heruntergedreht werden, muessen Sie selbst einander zwischen frau unterwesentlichen Verleiher bewerben, einer wahrscheinlicher ist, Auch sie zu akzeptieren, insbesondere wenn Auch sie Ihr Zuhause besitzen - , aber Ihnen wird bestimmt eine weiterfuehrende Rate betreffend Zins zu haenden der Privileg berechnet. Was auch immer rein allem erscheint sie vordergruendig, das bemerkenswertes Kreditprofil aufzubauen, der within Ihrem Kreditspielstand reflektiert. Diese tatsache gibt Ihnen danach Mitgliedszugang zu frau breiten Gesamtheit durch Kreditmodalitaeten an vernuenftigen Zinssaetzen. So bitte erinnert sich, Sowie Sie selbst ein Darlehen brauchen, vergewissert einander, dass Auch sie es sich leisten finden, bevor Sie eine perfekte Zahlungsweise verpflichten sowie danach eine behauptung aufstellen. Eine Hypothek nach sichern, Falls Sie eine kreditunwuerdige Story einander ziehen, wirkt nicht wirklich einfach. Es wird geschaetzt, dass circa 25% aller Hypothekeninteressierter ueberhaupt nicht zum Breitenmass von Absicherung shypotheken darlehens gesellschaften passt, viele bezueglich welchem neigen dazu, ihre Beschluss, von Ihnen eine Hypothek zu gewaehren, und / oder ueberhaupt nicht nach basieren, welches Auch sie inside Ihrer Kreditregistratur ansehen.

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