Friday, October 25, 2013

C Memory Management

There are two places where variables can be put in memory. When you create a variable like this:
int  a;
char c;
char d[16];
The variables are created in the "stack". Stack variables are automatically freed when they go out of scope (that is, when the code can't reach them anymore). You might hear them called "automatic" variables, but that has fallen out of fashion.
Many beginner examples will use only stack variables.
The stack is nice because it's automatic, but it also has two drawbacks: (1) The compiler needs to know in advance how big the variables are, and (b) the stack space is somewhat limited. For example: in Windows, under default settings for the Microsoft linker, the stack is set to 1 MB, and not all of it is available for your variables.
If you don't know at compile time how big your array is, or if you need a big array or struct, you need "plan B".
Plan B is called the "heap". You can usually create variables as big as the Operating System will let you, but you have to do it yourself. Earlier postings showed you one way you can do it, although there are other ways:
int size;
// ...
// Set size to some value, based on information available at run-time. Then:
// ...
char *p = (char *)malloc(size);
(Note that variables in the heap are not manipulated directly, but via pointers)
Once you create a heap variable, the problem is that the compiler can't tell when you're done with it, so you lose the automatic releasing. That's where the "manual releasing" you were referring to comes in. Your code is now responsible to decide when the variable is not needed anymore, and release it so the memory can be taken for other purposes. For the case above, with:
What makes this second option "nasty business" is that it's not always easy to know when the variable is not needed anymore. Forgetting to release a variable when you don't need it will cause your program to consume more memory that it needs to. This situation is called a "leak". The "leaked" memory cannot be used for anything until your program ends and the OS recovers all of its resources. Even nastier problems are possible if you release a heap variable by mistake before you are actually done with it.
In C and C++, you are responsible to clean up your heap variables like shown above. However, there are languages and environments such as Java and .NET languages like C# that use a different approach, where the heap gets cleaned up on its own. This second method, called "garbage collection", is much easier on the developer but you pay a penalty in overhead and performance. It's a balance.
(I have glossed over many details to give a simpler, but hopefully more leveled answer)
Here's an example. Suppose you have a strdup() function that duplicates a string:
char *strdup(char *src)
    char * dest;
    dest = malloc(strlen(src) + 1);
    if (dest == NULL)
    strcpy(dest, src);
    return dest;
And you call it like this:
    char *s;
    s = strdup("hello");
    printf("%s\n", s);
    s = strdup("world");
    printf("%s\n", s);
You can see that the program works, but you have allocated memory (via malloc) without freeing it up. You have lost your pointer to the first memory block when you called strdup the second time.
This is no big deal for this small amount of memory, but consider the case:
for (i = 0; i < 1000000000; ++i)  /* billion times */
    s = strdup("hello world");    /* 11 bytes */
You have now used up 11 gig of memory (possibly more, depending on your memory manager) and if you have not crashed your process is probably running pretty slowly.
To fix, you need to call free() for everything that is obtained with malloc() after you finish using it:
s = strdup("hello");
free(s);  /* now not leaking memory! */
s = strdup("world");
Hope this example helps!
You have to do "memory management" when you want to use memory on the heap rather than the stack. If you don't know how large to make an array until runtime, then you have to use the heap. For example, you might want to store something in a string, but don't know how large its contents will be until the program is run. In that case you'd write something like this:
 char *string = malloc(stringlength); // stringlength is the number of bytes to allocate

 // Do something with the string...

 free(string); // Free the allocated memory
There are some great answers here about how to allocate and free memory, and in my opinion the more challenging side of using C is ensuring that the only memory you use is memory you've allocated - if this isn't done correctly what you end up with is the cousin of this site - a buffer overflow - and you may be overwriting memory that's being used by another application, with very unpredictable results.
An example:
int main() {
    char* myString = (char*)malloc(5*sizeof(char));
    myString = "abcd";
At this point you've allocated 5 bytes for myString and filled it with "abcd\0" (strings end in a null - \0). If your string allocation was
myString = "abcde";
You would be assigning "abcde" in the 5 bytes you've had allocated to your program, and the trailing null character would be put at the end of this - a part of memory that hasn't been allocated for your use and could be free, but could equally be being used by another application - This is the critical part of memory management, where a mistake will have unpredictable (and sometimes unrepeatable) consequences.
I think the most concise way to answer the question in to consider the role of the pointer in C. The pointer is a lightweight yet powerful mechanism that gives you immense freedom at the cost of immense capacity to shoot yourself in the foot.
In C the responsibility of ensuring your pointers point to memory you own is yours and yours alone. This requires an organized and disciplined approach, unless you forsake pointers, which makes it hard to write effective C.
The posted answers to date concentrate on automatic (stack) and heap variable allocations. Using stack allocation does make for automatically managed and convenient memory, but in some circumstances (large buffers, recursive algorithms) it can lead to the horrendous problem of stack overflow. Knowing exactly how much memory you can allocate on the stack is very dependent on the system. In some embedded scenarios a few dozen bytes might be your limit, in some desktop scenarios you can safely use megabytes.
Heap allocation is less inherent to the language. It is basically a set of library calls that grants you ownership of a block of memory of given size until you are ready to return ('free') it. It sounds simple, but is associated with untold programmer grief. The problems are simple (freeing the same memory twice, or not at all [memory leaks], not allocating enough memory [buffer overflow], etc) but difficult to avoid and debug. A hightly disciplined approach is absolutely mandatory in practive but of course the language doesn't actually mandate it.
I'd like to mention another type of memory allocation that's been ignored by other posts. It's possible to statically allocate variables by declaring them outside any function. I think in general this type of allocation gets a bad rap because it's used by global variables. However there's nothing that says the only way to use memory allocated this way is as an undisciplined global variable in a mess of spaghetti code. The static allocation method can be used simply to avoid some of the pitfalls of the heap and automatic allocation methods. Some C programmers are surprised to learn that large and sophisticated C embedded and games programs have been constructed with no use of heap allocation at all.

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