Thursday, October 24, 2013

Maven Tutorials

Apache Maven is a popular project management tool for Java projects. Maven can simplify and standardize the project build process. Maven is a complex tool, and these tutorials are meant to help describe some of the common tasks that developers may run into while working with Maven.
  1. What is Maven and how do I install it?
  2. How do I configure Maven for a user rather than globally?
  3. How do I link to my settings.xml file from Eclipse?
  4. How do I set the location of my local Maven repository?
  5. How do I create a simple project using Maven?
  6. How do I perform an archetype:create from Eclipse?
  7. How do I import a Maven project into Eclipse?
  8. How do I update my Maven project to work in Eclipse?
  9. How do I execute tests on my project?
  10. How do I build my project?
  11. How do I install a project artifact in my local maven repository?
  12. How do I use a mirror of the maven central repository?
  13. How do I use the maven clean phase?
  14. How do I generate basic documentation for a project using maven site?
  15. How do I create a web application project using maven?
  16. How do I create a maven web application project from Eclipse?
  17. How do I update my classpath with an Eclipse User Library via the maven eclipse plugin?
  18. How do I run a maven web application in Tomcat from Eclipse?
  19. How do I package a basic maven web application?
  20. How do I deploy a maven web application to Tomcat?
  21. How do I redeploy a maven web application to Tomcat?
  22. How do I compile a maven project to a particular version of Java?
  23. How do I undeploy a maven web application from Tomcat?
  24. What is Archiva and how do I install it?
  25. How do I use Archiva as a mirror of the maven central repository?
  26. How do I precompile my jsps?
  27. How do I precompile my JSTL jsps?
  28. How do I deploy an artifact to an Archiva repository?
  29. How do I list the goals of a maven plugin?
  30. How do I list the goals and goal parameters of a maven plugin?
  31. How do I display the effective settings of a project?
  32. How do I display the effective pom of a project?
  33. What is the XSD for a settings.xml file?
  34. How do I display the active profiles?
  35. How do I list the parameters of a goal?
  36. How do I activate a profile based on a particular version of java?
  37. How do I activate a profile?
  38. How do I display an environment variable?
  39. How do I display the value of a settings.xml element?
  40. How do I display the value of a pom.xml element?
  41. How do I display the value of a property?
  42. How do I add a project as a dependency of another project?
  43. How do I add a transitive dependency to my project's classpath?
  44. How do I create a string substitution variable for maven in Eclipse?
  45. How do I create a multi-module project in Eclipse?
  46. How do I manage the version of a dependency in a parent POM?
  47. What are the phases of the maven clean lifecycle?
  48. What are the phases of the maven default lifecycle?
  49. How do I deploy a site?
  50. What are the phases of the maven site lifecycle?
  51. Where do I put resources in my maven project?
  52. How do I add my own manifest file to a jar file?
  53. How do I specify a main class in the manifest of my generated jar file?
  54. How do I filter resource files to include the values of properties?
  55. How do I filter resources based on values from a properties file?
  56. Where are the three places that I can specify profiles?
  57. How do I activate a profile based on the presence of a property?
  58. How do I activate a profile based on the value of a property?
  59. How do I add a simple site to a project using the archetype plugin?
  60. How do I add a site to a project using the archetype plugin?
  61. How do I create a maven plugin project using the archetype plugin?
  62. How do I create a hello world goal for a maven plugin?
  63. How do I execute a maven goal I've written using shorthand?
  64. How do I deploy a plugin to an Archiva repository?
  65. How do I download a plugin from a remote Archiva repository?
  66. How do I attach a plugin goal to a particular phase of a maven lifecycle?
  67. How do I specify the phase of a lifecycle in a Mojo?
  68. How do I exclude particular resources from being processed?
  69. How do I skip the tests during the default lifecycle?
  70. How do I generate and deploy a source jar file for my project?
  71. How do I generate and deploy a javadoc jar file for my project?
  72. How do I build a jar file that contains its dependencies?
  73. How do I create an archetype?
  74. How do I create a project with an archetype I've created?
  75. How do I create an archetype that can run on an existing project?
  76. How do I generate Maven Changelog Plugin reports for a site?
  77. How do I generate a javadoc report for a site?
  78. How do I generate a JXR report for a site?
  79. How do I generate a unit test report for a site?
  80. How do I generate a Checkstyle code style report for a site?
  81. How do I generate a StatSCM report for a site?
  82. How do I generate PMD and CPD reports for a site?
  83. How do I generate a Cobertura test coverage report for a site?
  84. How do I generate a FindBugs bug pattern report for a site?
  85. What is Continuum and how do I install it?
  86. How do I add a maven project to Continuum?
  87. How do I schedule how often Continuum attempts to build a project?
  88. How do I decompile Java classes in the maven central repository?

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